Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes

Feldenkrais group classes are a pleasurable way of deepening your capacity to sense accurately, to identify and reduce excessive effort, to discover healthy safe ways of moving while expanding and refining your movement repertoire. They are also a very helpful complement to yoga and meditation practice, using mindfulness of body, breath and sensation as a gateway to a more fully embodied presence.

You will learn how to sense yourself better, to let pain dissolve, and find a greater range and ease of motion without risk of injury.

With its emphasis on learning, the Feldenkrais Method offers a gentle, safe and comfortable way of increasing self-awareness and improving your functioning by exploring your movement and postural patterns.

Classes are suitable for any level of ability. Class sizes are small which allows for individual attention and an intimate atmosphere. 

What to expect

Awareness Through Movement lessons work in an unusual way.

Instead of using muscular effort or stretching,  you explore small, gentle movements in a relaxed way which facilitates communication between your brain and body.

The lessons are most effective when you go slowly, do less, avoid discomfort, and listen to your body.

The teacher doesn't demonstrate the sequences of movement but instead uses precise  verbal guidance and suggestions. This leaves you free to focus on your own sensations rather than trying to imitate the teacher or copy other class members.

When the lesson is over, you may find that changes have taken place in your posture, ease and quality of movement, and overall sense of well-being. The lessons generally have a very calming effect. Some improvements will be immediate while others take place more gradually over time, as you continue to integrate the practice into your life.

The approach is about changing habits, and learning to improve how you use your body throughout all your different life activities.

If you’re not sure whether whether group classes are suitable for you then get in touch and we can have a chat.

Some people need a more tailor-made approach and prefer to have a few one-to-one hands-on sessions before joining a group class.

Regular weekly classes

Tuesdays 10.45-11.45 (New term begins January 7th)

at The Swansea Wellbeing Centre

Are you tired of living with pain? Would you like to rediscover joy and ease in your everyday life activities?

This is a small group class with expert guidance to help you to adapt the lesson to your unique needs.

You’re welcome to come on a drop-in basis as each lesson is complete in itself, but greater benefit comes from regular practice.

Mats and blankets are provided at the centre but it's a good idea to bring a towel or throw to fold for creating head support according to which position you're in. Lessons are usually floor based, sometimes lying on the back, sometimes on the side and occasionally on the front.

Cost £9 per class drop-in

£45 for block-booking of 6 consecutive classes.

Thursdays 12:00-1:00 (New term begins January 9th)

Online and in person at 142 Terrace Rd SA1 6HX

Awareness through Movement classes are particularly suited for online learning as they rely on verbal guidance, leaving your attention free to focus on your own experience without the need to look at the teacher. You can ignore the screen, just lie on the floor in the comfort of your own home, and listen to the verbal guidance.

For continuing progress it is best to come to classes weekly, but as this isn’t always possible I also offer a drop-in rate.
If you miss a class out of the block booking you will receive the audio recording of the class you missed.

If you’re local you can also come and do the class in my home teaching space -just get in touch to let me know you’re coming.

Audio recordings of all classes are free to participants or available for purchase at £5 for one, £9 for two audio recordings.

Cost £9 per class drop-in

£45 for block-booking of 6 consecutive classes

Subscribe to my newsletter via the box below for the zoom codes and details of how to pay.

Monthly Sunday classes

Swansea Wellbeing Centre

Exploring your Core

Sunday February 23rd 10.30 -12.00

In this class you'll learn how to use the big muscles in your centre to help you find better support and upright posture with less effort, more ease and freer breathing.

Improved posture and core support is not just about increasing strength. Even the most developed muscles are of little use if poorly coordinated.

The Feldenkrais approach recognises that strength and power come through balanced functioning of the entire trunk. An efficient core is one that's well-organised, agile and adaptable.

Moving from inside with attention to your own sensations rather than imitating an external example, you learn to tune in to yourself, finding a calmer state and making discoveries about yourself in your own time and within your own comfort level.

The class will be floor-based and accessible for all abilities.

Cost £12

Booking in advance essential. Please contact me on 07938 929544

2025 Dates for Sunday classes at the Wellbeing Centre - Feb 23rd March 23rd, April 27th, May 11th

 Class Venues

The Swansea Wellbeing Centre Walter Road SA1 5PQ

Close to bus routes with easy access. Parking available on nearby streets.


142 Terrace Road SA1 6HX

There is plenty of parking in the street outside, access is up 50+ steps. For detailed access directions see here.



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