My Training

My trainings in both the Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Method® entail a total of 2,400 hours of class time over 7 years, with at least another 800 hours studying and practicing outside class. I also completed a massage therapy training in 1999 to deepen my understanding of anatomy.

During my Alexander training in Devon (1987-1990) I studied with a wide range of teachers from diverse training backgrounds. This made for a rich learning environment which helps me to appreciate the many approaches to teaching F.M. Alexander's discoveries. After graduating I studied with many of the first generation teachers who trained with Alexander. Learning from them, and other senior teachers, has had a continuing influence on my work.

My Feldenkrais training took place in London (2011-2015) with Elisabeth Beringer and Scott Clark, and a rich mix of other highly experienced practitioners, most of the whom had trained with Moshe Feldenkrais in U.S.A and Israel. I’m committed to ongoing professional development with senior practitioners, most recently online with Jeff Haller, David Zemach Bersin and others. I have also completed a training with Carol Montgomery and Cynthia Allen in Integral Gait.

My Experience

With over 30 years in practice I have a lot of experience in working with a wide range of people of all ages. Many come seeking help with pain, stress-related conditions, rehabilitation after surgery or injuries, vocal difficulties or neurological conditions, while others seek a general improvement in posture, general well-being and self-awareness. I’ve also taught many people already highly skilled in movement, such as dancers, musicians, athletes, people practicing yoga and martial arts, to help them further refine existing abilities. My experience includes;

  • Alexander Technique teaching in the music department at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff for over 15 years

  • Delivering Alexander courses for drama students at Swansea Metropolitan University and Gower College over several years

  • Workshops and presentations to groups including Back Care, Mind, Swansea University G.P. training, Abertawe Young Musician’s Festival, European Piano Teacher’s Association, Swansea University Osteopathy degree course students, in-house corporate classes, and groups of people practicing yoga and meditation.

  • Close involvement over 7 years with Westminster Alexander Centre, assisting in the organisation and teaching of annual residential courses in Spain and the U.K.

  • Regular visiting teacher on the Westminster Teacher Training course until 2014.

    I’ve taught Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement classes in various locations in Swansea since 2013, and since 2020 have also been teaching online.

My Qualifications

I am registered with the Feldenkrais Guild U.K. which is the professional organisation of practitioners and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method® in the U.K. Members are graduates of internationally recognised training programmes, which take place over a 4 year period and consist of a minimum of 800 hours class time. Members are fully insured, and are accountable to the Guild's Code of Ethics. The Guild also promotes awareness of the Method and the continuing education of practitioners.


I am a fully qualified member of The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (S.T.A.T.) which is the largest professional body for Alexander teachers. It ensures the highest standards of teacher training and professional practice. Teaching members of S.T.A.T. are qualified after completing a three-year 1,600 hour training course. Members adhere to the Society’s published Code of Professional Conduct and Competence, and are covered by professional indemnity insurance.